PERSONALITY TRAITS : Know your child’s In-Born Talents to lead the stress free study life with DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) with Great Brains. Gift a right career to your child. Personality type : DOMINANT You are strong minded, stimulated by challenge, decisive and direct. You can be blunt/Stubborn, can lose sight of big picture and can be insensitive to other people,s needs, but are a natural achiever. Strengths * You are highly focused, driven and highly motivated, so result focused, goal setting is ‘natural’ to you. * You are not afraid of failure and just see it as a challenge to bounce back. * You are persistent in achieving goals, even if it means making personal sacrifices to get there. You take risks. * You are independent and like to do things "your" way. You don't like to fail. * You like...