What is "The Power of Third Eye"? In olden days, "Third Eye" was referred to an eye of high intellect and enhanced sensory organs. Ancient Indian Saints (gener ally called as Rushivars and Munivars) used to possess this power. They used to be in meditation with their eyes closed sitting in specific postures but they are aware of everything happening around them even when their EYES are CLOSED. This extraordinary power was acquired by the Saints through a scientific process called "Sabda Veda Yoga Vidya". This Sabda Veda Yoga Vidya has several stages of achievements. Each stage of achievement use to unleash a certain intellectual power and sensory enhancement. This process is referred to as "Midbrain Activation" in the recent Scientific Studies. This will make us a "Super Human" by unleashing extraordinary powers within us. In the first stage of this activation One can READ, WRITE, Identify things Blindfolded. Quantum Speed Reading, ...
The secret of your child’s fingerprint: The word dermatoglyphics comes from two Greek words (derma, skin and glyphe, carve) and refers to the friction ridge formations which appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis, even though the process of fingerprint identification had already been used for several hundred years. All primates have ridged Personality can be traced early in the mother’s womb, and it is reflected in fingerprints (dermatoglyphics). Since each person’s fingerprints are unique, we can understand one’s innate potential, personality, and preferences by analyzing dermatoglyphics. The study of fingerprints has become more common, therefore, some parents began to analyze their child”s (or baby’s) prints; with the intention to identify their potential early, and provide guidance accordingly to help expand their ...
Different Learning Styles of Children and Positive Parenting Major Stress: The major stress for the parents is to raise their children and give them the best possible by them. So the parents continuously keep asking for advice, watch the neighborhood, their colleagues, their relatives, other success stories, etc. As parents we are not completely sure what skills and talents our children have until they demonstrate them. Sometimes the skills are identified while parenting and sometimes incidentally when the child does something stunningly different like a drawing, solving puzzles, painting, singing, games, memorizing and reciting a big poem, calculating, explaining something, winning some competitions, or writing poetry or stories creatively, etc. What should my children become when they grow up? Most of the parents get stuck in every stage of the child’s growth right from their kinder garden to the completion of their studies. Hence the parents try to put the child either i...
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